... a whirlwind!
I swear it was only just Valentine's Day, and before I knew what happened it was time to think about Easter.
I love Easter, with all it's big white lilies and gingham.
Little girls in gloves and hats. (at church that is, none of those here at Blue Yonder!)
The Pineapple Coconut Cake that Momo always made.
Ten Commandments on the television, plastic eggs in the grass.
Cousins trading "my bubble gum eggs for your chocolate eggs"
Hiding them all again, just for fun.
Stained fingers and the smell of vinegar.
... followed by deviled eggs, of course.
Flowers from the garden and a fresh clean cloth on the table.
Sticky kisses and eating the ears first.
Colored chicks toted 'round the yard in an enamel pan (Lord, be with them!)
The shedding of brown and bulky, the blooming time.
Hope. Renewal. Celebrating the gift of life.
Just makes you wanna wear white, kick off your shoes and run in the grass doesn't it?
Or maybe just take a little snooze in the sun :-)